The Dreamers

A boy is seen running on the foundation of an unfinished house without walls. His parents watched from the terrace of the house, sometimes even finding him acting like a knight of black armor, the popular hero Power Ranger, or maneuvering like the figure of Wiro Sableng complete with his trademark 212 Ax supposedly trained by a grandmother named Sinto Gendeng.

The boy full of imaginative moves is none other than the author himself more than twenty years ago. The characters that the writer imitated at that time were visualizations of various television series in the 90s era. The foundation can be said to be an infrastructure for writers in imagining, a kind of teleportation gate from the real world to the world of imagination.

The author's parents have also contributed to the growth and development of the author's imagination, they did not try to prohibit the author from entering the fictional world. Imagine if the two of them saw the author in the future potentially being a strange figure and forbidding the writer to do the “dreaming” maneuver while walking. Perhaps this book was never written as a collection of imaginative notes, conceptions and master plans of various programs related to the development of Sumba's human resources in the future.

Thanks Mom & Dad